Dr. rer. nat. André Wischmeyer
Patent Attorney
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Dr. André Wischmeyer studied physics at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and the University of Bremen. After his doctorate degree, for which he worked in the USA for a part of the time, he received training at Busse & Busse to become a German Patent Attorney. In the course of his patent attorney training, which he completed successfully in 2006, he worked at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) and at the German Patent Court (Bundespatentgericht).
Dr. Wischmeyer works foremost as German and European Patent Attorney in the fields of agricultural mechanical engineering in addition to inspection and plastics technology. He represents his globally operating clients also in trademark and design matters. Dr. Wischmeyer has been a partner at the law firm since 2009.
Besides his work for the law firm, Dr. Wischmeyer also lectures regularly at the University of Osnabrück.
In addition to German, his native language, he speaks English fluently and has basic knowledge of French and Spanish.